Creating great customer experiences is one of your main goals. And building powerful solutions that drive those customer experiences is the heart of everything Genesys does. But we can’t do this alone—the Genesys® PureConnectTM product team relies on your feedback through our Net Promoter System® (NPS) to evolve our products. Throughout 2018, we took your feedback to heart and implemented new features, improved on existing ones, and made plans to offer many new and exciting things in 2019.

Continuous improvement is at our core. And five specific PureConnect innovations are a direct result of customer suggestions and requests.

  1. CX Insights: We overhauled PureConnect web-based reporting and analytics capabilities. This new tool, CX Insights, is less cumbersome—making it easier to define and track KPIs and create your own modern, interactive dashboards for real-time monitoring. And that makes it easier to achieve desired business outcomes.
  2. Modern Interface: Interaction Connect is an updated web-based client for your agents, with future support planned for supervisors, business users, and administrators. Interaction Connect places a priority on building out a single, modern all-in-one interface to provide users with more flexibility and ease of use.
  3. Social Media: Our new Facebook and Twitter features let agents take all the data and messages about social media posts and transform them into manageable, trackable agent interactions. The PureConnect platform enables robust native channel support, including analytics, images, recording and more. New interaction types have been added to allow interaction tracking by social media mode.
  4. Chatbot Support: To get you started with automation and artificial intelligence (AI), Intelligent Automation and the PureConnect platform now include chatbot capabilities. Take advantage of these virtual bots and service your customers faster, while offloading repeatable work and common questions from your agents. They can refocus their time to more valuable work or conversations that really require human cognition and connection.
  5. Widgets: Chat Widgets let you more easily deploy and use chat capabilities. You don’t have to write code to customize and personalize these features. Launch chat widgets on your website to enable chat conversations with just a few configuration settings and the push of a button.

What’s Ahead for the PureConnect Platform

We have exciting plans for the future of the PureConnect platform. The Preview section of the Genesys Winter Innovations Guide 2018 gives you a glimpse of what’s coming during the summer of 2019. Here’s your chance to learn more about how to leverage this solution to take your business to the next level. And we’ll always keep you updated of more innovations as they happen.

The PureConnect team embraces all the ways in which we receive customer feedback; it ensures that we’re aligned with what you want as we continue to innovate ways for you to harness exceptional customer experiences. We look forward to receiving more feedback—use our Product Ideas Lab portal to tell us what you think, share your thoughts on our Community page or tell your account managers. I appreciate your continued partnership as we work together to innovate on how we connect moments.