A recent study conducted by research and advisory firm, TSIA, revealed the growing percentage of organizations that say product training and learning opportunities have driven product use and increased engagement. Of the 2,800 participants:

  • 68% said they were inclined to use the product more
  • 56% indicated they could use more of the product’s features and functions
  • 87% said that they could work more independently

With the rapid advancement of technology, the proliferation of cloud-based platforms and remote workforces, technology adoption is paramount to maximizing your ROI. These external factors, coupled with the unique changes occurring within the customer experience industry, make for some exciting times on the digital frontier. And they reinforce the fact that companies must effectively adopt new and existing technologies.

Rise of the Machine (Learning)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now — and with good reason. We’re already exposed to it on a daily basis in our personal lives through virtual assistants and smart home devices. For contact centers, leveraging the capabilities of AI has become a popular trend because it allows companies to create memorable and more efficient customer experiences.  Through the use of tools such as bots, predictive routing or natural language processing (NLP), agents are better equipped to solve customer problems quickly and seamlessly.

Journey to the Cloud

If there is one topic that holds the title of “Most Buzzworthy” over the last five to 10 years, it’s the cloud. It’s easy to see why when you consider the rapid pace of business and the ever-changing requirements needed to compete on a global stage. Now, more than ever, companies need the ability to scale new and existing technology in multiple locations, to multiple users, all without degrading the customer experience. To do that, your agents need to be properly trained on the technologies you use to manage the customer journey.

A Personalized Approach

As consumers, we have all been trained to expect a seamless, personalized buying experience. This should also be expected in our business lives. With contact centers continuing to add more staff to support initiatives like AI or migration to the cloud, it’s important that new and existing agents, supervisors, administrators, developers and management are equipped to navigate this expansion through structured training. Virtual training and eLearning have become necessities for organizations looking to invest in their contact center staff and increase technology adoption. 

Big Fish, Small Pond

One of the challenges with working in the specialized, but rapidly evolving customer experience industry is the inevitability of a scarce resource pool. Mix in record-low employment and it’s no wonder contact centers are struggling to meet and maintain the resource requirements needed to service customers. Investing in your employees through training is a tremendous benefit to both the individual and the organization, especially for companies who can leverage economies of scale.

If you’re like a lot of organizations struggling to hire and retain top talent, you need a way to manage home-grown talent and find customer experience talent with expertise in the Genesys technology you use. At Genesys, we have developed a platform for training so that all users can follow a personalized learning and certification path as they grow their customer experience careers.

Genesys Beyond is a resource for all Genesys customers and partners who want to grow their customer experience careers through training and certification and hire top talent with the right skills. Explore the training course catalog and sign up to be notified throughout the Beta program as new features become available.