I talk a lot about the importance of customer experience and omnichannel communications that enable you to pinpoint where your customers are on their journeys. A consistent experience with your brand—across all channels, all the time—is the expectation today. Those who do it well quickly reap the rewards and establish a foothold as leaders in their respective industries.

The best way to successfully implement a holistic customer experience strategy while staying agile and adaptable is through a contact center platform that is seamlessly joined to the right CRM solution. InteractionSync for the Genesys Cloud is built off this principle.

Why a Contact Center Platform and CRM System are Better Together 

Separately, a contact center platform and a CRM system have core purposes. The CRM platform is your system of record (SOR) or single source of truth (SSOT); the contact center is, at least from a customer perspective, your system of engagement (SOE). And you could argue that either platform is an all-in-one engagement platform; however, I haven’t seen a single product or company blend everything these two systems offer into one industry-leading product—until now.

With the cooperation of Genesys and Microsoft, Avtex seamlessly brought two industry-leading systems—the Genesys Cloud and Microsoft Dynamics 365—together to create that all-in-one engagement solution.

The Genesys Cloud is a feature-rich contact center platform that handles omnichannel communications, and it’s built on a true cloud architecture. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is not only what people think of as a CRM system, it’s also a platform that’s driven by data, intelligence and relationships.

InteractionSync for Genesys Cloud Overcomes Customer Experience Challenges

According to a 2018 report from Forrester, “The customer service technology ecosystem has grown more complex due to new communication channels, new touchpoints, new deployment methods like cloud-based solutions, and vendor mergers and acquisitions. As a result, customer service leaders struggle to enforce a consistent process and experience across their workforce.”

With this integration, we didn’t simply wedge a client into the CRM system. We created a way to offer that consistent process and experience across the workforce. InteractionSync for Genesys Cloud is a product in which the result is truly greater than the sum of its parts—and it can overcome several significant challenges that customer service leaders face:

  • Customer experience is about the customer; it’s not about figuring out which application does what. According to “The Effortless Experience, Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty,” by Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman and Rick DeLisi, the more control an agent feels they have over their interactions with customers, the better they handle those interactions. The InteractionSync for Genesys Cloud puts everything an agent needs into one screen. And that simplified interface means more agent control.
  • The solution provides a clear line of delineation between interaction activities around business objectives while, at the same time, communicating between the two platforms automatically. This gives each system information that only the other system has.
  • You can enter information surrounding the communication aspects of customer experience into the Genesys Cloud to ensure that interaction reporting is accurate, while information is moved into Dynamics 365 in a way that makes sense for that platform. Likewise, as an agent navigates through Microsoft Dynamics 365, that information is passed back to the Genesys Cloud to ensure the correct activity associations are made.

These are just a few features of InteractionSync for Genesys Cloud—there are several more to explore. Visit the downloadable details page for more specifics on the product and check out the full solution video for a complete walkthrough of the use cases. Then, head over to the Genesys AppFoundry page and contact us to get more information or to get started.

This post was co-authored by Matt McClellan. Matt is the Innovation Evangelist for Avtex. He’s continually working to ensure that our clients and partners are aware of the vast array of products and services Avtex delivers. He’s been in and around the contact center software industry and platform integrations for 11-plus years. He’s the husband to a wife that’s totally out of his league, father to two boys and has a cat named Brady the GOAT.