Replacing your old call center system is like moving into a brand new house, except you stay in the same place while the house is built around you. And you’re the one responsible for making sure all the plumbing and electrical work in the end.

So, nothing can be more important than selecting the right building partner. To ensure long-term functionality and stability, it’s important to find someone who already has a proven blueprint, tons of renovation experience, and the integrity to make sure you’re successful and satisfied well beyond the construction phase. Selecting a vendor known to have a shaky foundation, or an inexperienced industry newcomer, can have long-lasting business consequences.

But choosing a new customer experience partner among all of today’s industry noise is no small feat. Everyone claims to have the floorplan you need — so it can be hard to know who to believe.

Genesys wants to make the process easier.

To provide a more objective assessment of what it takes to move to a modern customer experience platform, we’ve partnered with Nemertes Research for an in-depth, six-month value study of Genesys customers who’ve done just that — migrated from a competitor’s legacy system. Nemertes independently interviewed 10 Genesys customers globally — across a variety of sizes and industries — to determine the business, technical and financial impact of their customer experience platform migrations. And, because interview participants remained anonymous, their responses were extremely candid.

Robin Gareiss, President and Founder of Nemertes, led the investigation and captured the underlying reasons why these 10 companies moved to a new customer experience platform, as well as which Genesys solutions each customer chose — and why. This sneak peek into their decisions, experiences and business impact of the move provides a rare behind-the-scenes look at companies of all sizes — up to 11,000 seats. Interviewees also span the globe, with representation from all regions, to give you a comprehensive view across all customer types.

The graph below shows the most common reasons participants gave for moving from an outdated system to a modern Genesys customer experience platform.




The Proof Is in the Data 
To learn the stories behind each company’s move to a Genesys product, register today for the September 19th webinar “The proof is in the data: 10 real-world CX transformations.” Robin will share her insights from the 22-page Nemertes report, providing a wealth of insights, stats, trends and lessons learned. You’ll also learn about details on trends that emerged during the study — and how they align (or don’t align) with broader industry trends.

Join us for this must-see live webinar and ask Robin any questions you may have — the floor is yours! After the session, you’ll also receive an exclusive copy of the full report. Register now.