
Utah speeds contact tracing capabilities and prepares for a surge in vaccine distribution using the cloud

The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) recently migrated several core COVID-19 response systems to Amazon Web Services (AWS). With the cloud, the state is better prepared to handle increased demand in tracking vaccine distribution and administration activities across its communities.

When the pandemic began, UDOH was using a home-grown, open-source system to support the state’s epidemiologic and disease surveillance needs. Use of the system grew 1,000% and the on-premises solution could not scale to meet the demand. UDOH officials asked AWS Professional Services, working with the state Department of Technology Services team, to examine the application’s legacy infrastructure and suggest alternatives. UDOH chose the Genesys CloudTM all-in-one contact center solution, built on AWS.

Benefits of the Genesys solution:

  • Less than 72 hours to spin up a new 1,200-seat contact center
  • 100% of agents can work from any location
  • Capability to rapidly scale to support a successful vaccination program for all Utah residents
  • Seamless experience for citizens

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