Genesys Trademark Use Policy

Last update: June 3, 2024

Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates (collectively, “Genesys”) own numerous trademarks, service marks, and logos (collectively, the “Genesys Marks”).

Genesys has invested substantial time and effort in promoting the Genesys Marks and in creating the valuable goodwill associated therewith. The purpose of this policy is to protect the Genesys Marks by ensuring proper usage and attribution of these marks by third parties. This policy should not be construed as providing legal advice. Further, different countries and jurisdictions have different trademark laws. Please consult a local trademark attorney if you have any questions about your legal rights and responsibilities under this policy.

Permissible Use

In general, you must have express written permission from Genesys to use any of the Genesys Marks in a manner that suggests an association with or sponsorship by Genesys. Nevertheless, Genesys understands that it may be necessary for third parties to use its marks to refer to and describe its products and services.

You may use text-only (i.e., no logos) references to the Genesys Marks for the purpose of identifying actual products and services of Genesys. EXAMPLES: A customer of Genesys could state in a press release that it has implemented the Genesys One® software solution; an authorized reseller of Genesys products and services could state on its website that it offers support services for the Genesys Smart Link® software solution.

You may also use text-only references to the Genesys Marks for the purpose of fairly and accurately describing products and services of Genesys. This includes describing the relationship or compatibility of your own products and services with those of Genesys. EXAMPLE: You may state “compatible with Genesys Mobile Engagement®” on your product packaging.

When using any of the Genesys Marks in the manner described above, the mark should appear in the same type as the surrounding text. In other words, the Genesys Marks should not be visually emphasized or stand out from the surrounding text. Instead, the emphasis should be placed on your company name and/or the name of your product or service.

Any description of Genesys products or services should be truthful, clear, and accurate, and should not disparage either Genesys or its products and services. Additionally, you should consult Guidelines for Proper Use below when using any of the Genesys Marks.

Guidelines for Proper Use – Do’s and Don’ts

Do use the appropriate trademark symbol after the mark. In many countries such as the U.S., the following symbols are used:

  • the ® symbol identifies a registered trademark or service mark. Other appropriate forms of notice for U.S. registered trademarks include: “Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office” and “Reg. U.S. Pat. & ™. Off.”
  • the ™ symbol identifies an unregistered, common law trademark
  • the ℠ symbol identifies an unregistered, common law service mark

At a minimum, the appropriate trademark symbol should appear after a mark the first time the mark is used.

Note: You do not need to use a trademark symbol after the word “Genesys” if you are using that word as part of the full company name Genesys Cloud Services, Inc., or as a shorthand substitute for the full company name. When using “Genesys” in this manner, you are using it as a trade name instead of a trademark, so the ® symbol is not required. EXAMPLE: “This customer service solution was developed by Genesys.”

Do use the Genesys® trademark before the first reference to any product or service of Genesys that does not include the Genesys name in it. EXAMPLE: “The Genesys® Actionable Analytics™ software solution uses a groundbreaking new approach to analyzing and leveraging customer interaction data.”

Do use each of the Genesys Marks as an adjective qualifying a noun. The noun should be a generic description of the Genesys product or service being identified or described. EXAMPLE: “Our company uses the Genesys® EZPulse™ plug-in application.”

Do use and display the Genesys Marks consistently so that they are represented the same way every time. For example, if a mark is shown in all capital letters, you should consistently use all capital letters when referencing that mark.

Do give credit to put others on notice that the Genesys Marks are owned by Genesys. For example, you could include the following attribution statement on a web page or product packaging where you are using one of Genesys’ trademarks: “[insert permissible mark(s)] [is a/are] registered trademark[s] or trademark[s] of Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries.”

Don’t use the Genesys Marks or any potentially confusing variations thereof in a manner that is likely to cause confusion as the source or sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of any product or service.

Don’t use any logo or design of Genesys without express written permission from Genesys.

Don’t use the Genesys Marks or any potentially confusing variations thereof to dilute, defame, or disparage Genesys or mislead the public as to the nature of Genesys’ products and services.

Don’t use the Genesys Marks or any potentially confusing variations thereof as the name or part of the name of your company, product, or service.

Don’t modify the appearance of any of the Genesys Marks. For example, don’t make changes to the spelling, abbreviation, capitalization, or punctuation of any mark.

Don’t combine any of the Genesys Marks with other letters, numbers, designs, symbols, or logos.

Note: You may use the possessive form of the word “Genesys” when using that word as a trade name. EXAMPLE: “Introducing Genesys’ latest line of software solutions.”

Don’t use plural or possessive forms of the Genesys Marks unless the original mark is in that form.

Don’t use or copy any trade dress, type style, logo, product shape, product packaging, or the look, design, or overall commercial impression of any Genesys website, blog, or other materials.

Don’t include any of the Genesys Marks or potentially confusing variations thereof in your Internet domain name.

Don’t seek to register any of the Genesys Marks or potentially confusing variations thereof for similar or related products or services, in any country.

Don’t display any of the Genesys Marks more prominently than your own on any products or materials.

If you have any questions about the Genesys Marks or this policy, please contact the Genesys Legal Department