Equatorial and Genesys: A journey of digital transformation

Equatorial Energia is one of the largest private companies in the Brazilian electricity sector, operating in various regions across the country. The company is involved in power generation, transmission, and distribution, serving more than 34 million customers. In recent years, Equatorial has invested in network modernization projects and renewable energy sources, aiming to enhance efficiency and sustainability. The company began its journey with Genesys a year ago due to its rapid growth, expansion into industries beyond energy, and the increasing importance of connecting with its customers.

360-degree view

of the entire customer service journey

26% reduction

in repeat calls

Enhanced visibility

using workforce management

“Today we serve 34 million people, so we need to work on customer relationships and their experience to ensure a consistent experience across all our concession areas. And the Genesys platform came precisely to unify and simplify the entire process with omnichannel capabilities.”

Maurício Velloso

Director of Customers, Innovation, and Services, Equatorial Energy