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Drive loyalty and retention with deeper customer insights

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Accelerate CX transformation with Genesys and Qualtrics

To be a customer experience (CX) leader, your organisation must understand what to improve and act quickly on those insights. Genesys and Qualtrics have partnered to help you drive experience improvements at scale, leveraging the combined power of customer insights with customer engagement.

Act on your CX insights

Siloed customer experience measurements can negatively affect customer satisfaction and sentiment. Transform your CX insights into a cross-channel, always-on system of action that drives results.

Make informed decisions

Put strategy at the forefront of every CX decision. With Genesys and Qualtrics, you can identify exactly where and how to optimise the customer support journey to create the biggest positive impact.

Embody your brand promise

Your customers expect world-class service. Cultivate a best-in-class front line that elevates every customer journey — and embodies your brand promise every step of the way.

Turn customer feedback into actions

Your customers are valuable resources for improving your customer experience. With Genesys and Qualtrics, you can surface experience gaps, understand what drives satisfaction and identify where to take action.

Optimise service delivery

Low customer satisfaction scores are an unfortunate reality of doing business. Clearly identify what’s driving unfavorable customer sentiment and spot trends that can affect your service strategy. Improve agent performance and service workflows. Give your teams the tools they need to not only improve customer experiences, but boost their performance and operational costs, too.

Improve the quality of your feedback

Customer feedback is key to elevating your service. Interact with customers on the channels they love most and get the high-quality data your organisation needs. Design and deploy relevant feedback engagements that seamlessly fit into your customers’ lives. By meeting your customers where they are, you’ll drive more valuable responses.

Understand and prioritise underlying issues

Making smarter business decisions requires truly understanding your customers. Dive deep into all your interactions to gather both high-level and individualised insights. Use this information to identify and address problem areas. Then implement these efforts across your customer service team — directly impacting your ability to drive better customer experiences.

Transform your customer experience

Customers crave easy experiences with brands. Identify areas of frustration in the customer journey at an individual and cohort level. Improve agent effectiveness and drive process improvements by prioritising and closing experience gaps — quickly and effectively.

At a glance

About: Qualtrics
Industry: All industries
Location: Global

Alliance summary
  • Capture customer sentiment across channels
  • Take action on macro-level trends and micro-level insights
  • Provide more specific feedback and coaching for agents

Create seamless end-to-end customer experiences