Honouring excellence in customer and employee experience

For 19 years, the Genesys Customer Innovation Awards has celebrated organisations that dare to reimagine what’s possible. These uncompromising industry pioneers have transformed customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) through unrivaled innovation.

This prestigious honour is reserved for the best of the best. If you’ve leveraged next-generation solutions to exceed expectations and dramatically improve CX and EX, this is your moment.

We’ll name eight winners across five categories highlighting impressive transformation, excellence, innovation and impact. The awards are open to forward-thinking Genesys customers of all sizes and markets. Winners will enjoy a trip to Xperience 2024, industry-wide recognition and the opportunity to have their success stories amplified to new heights.

This is your chance to showcase how you’ve shaped the future of CX and EX — and made the extraordinary achievable. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to have your CX and EX leadership recognized on a global stage. Seize the spotlight and inspire others to redefine what’s possible. To demonstrate the impact you’ve made, make sure to provide compelling success metrics and testimonials.

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Award categories

This year’s award categories cover a wide range of customer experience achievements.

The CX Achiever recognises organisations that focus on customer experience (CX) and the employee experience (EX). These organisations use Genesys technology to reimagine and orchestrate CX journeys — while giving employees the ability to deliver smarter outcomes with less effort. They’ve mastered the use of assisted and self-service through digital channels — and empowered employees with modern experiences. Tell us about how you’re cultivating both CX and EX within your organisation to deliver amazing experiences.

This category recognises non-profits or other organisations that are leveraging Genesys for the greater good in order to make the world a better place. Whether your organisation uses customer experience technology for humanitarian efforts to change and improve lives or moving to the cloud has enabled your organisation to become more environmentally sustainable, we want to hear about it. Please include examples, stories and metrics if possible.

CX Innovators are pushing the limits to deliver smarter and more cohesive customer and employee experiences with Genesys AI. These organisations have leveraged Genesys AI capabilities, such as bot flows, agent assist, predictive routing, predictive engagement or knowledge management, to improve digital and voice-based self-service. They’ve improved workflows, automated smarter or adapted faster to meet business needs. Perhaps they’ve leveraged Pointillist® by Genesys to optimise the customer journey and improve outcomes. Tell us how you are using Genesys AI technology to orchestrate the customer journey to achieve incredible results. Be sure to include metrics.

Two CX Innovator Award winners will be chosen according to organisation size:

  • Small and Mid-Size (under 1,500 agents)
  • Enterprise (1,500-plus agents)

CX Movers have trasitioned from a legacy, hardware-based contact centre solution or another cloud environment to the Genesys Cloud™ platform within the last 24 months. This includes moving from a Genesys solution or competing provider. Please include the name of the previous platform used and the benefits you achieved through the migration. It’s time to share your CX transformation story!

Three CX Mover Award winners (two customers and a partner) will be chosen according to implementation:

  • Genesys or self-implementation — Worked with the Genesys Professional Services or implemented on your own
  • Partner implementation — Worked with a Genesys partner (you and the partner receive an award)

This award is for teams that have modernised how they manage and empower their employees with Genesys Workforce Engagement Management. Examples include using speech and text analytics to automate the quality and compliance processes; improving employee engagement with coaching, gamification or employee development; or enhancing scheduling with workforce management to give employees the flexibility they want. Tell us how you’ve improved team processes and engagement with Genesys Workforce Engagement Management technology to become more effective, efficient and empathetic in your customer and employee experiences.

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Rewards for winners

Winning organisations will be recognised globally for customer innovation, which includes:

Global recognition

Winners will be recognised at Xperience 24 in front of industry leaders, peers and analysts. A press release and social media posts announcing the winners will be promoted.

In addition, winners are awarded:

  • One full-paid trip to Xperience 2024 — including a round-trip flight to Denver, CO, event access and a two-night hotel stay
  • On-stage award presentation of personalised trophy and certificate
  • Digital promotion package with press release, social posts and personalised branded graphics
  • Networking events with global customer experience leaders and innovators
  • VIP gifts and experiences including main stage photographs
  • Reserved seating at main-stage presentations
  • Customer Innovation Award winner designation on conference badge
  • Primary consideration as a Xperience 2024 speaker
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Have a question? Please refer to the FAQ or read through the Eligibility and Criteria details. If your question is not included, please email awards@genesys.com.