Disruptive leadership:

Discover a new approach for experience measurement

The experience economy is primed for disruption

Join Charlene Li, Peter Graf and James Xiao as they explore why there is strong industry desire for a new experience measurement solution.

For decades, organizations have relied on Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and similar metrics to measure experiences. But as customer and employee expectations have continued to rapidly evolve, it’s clear these measurement practices haven’t kept pace to provide actionable experience insights that lead to meaningful, human-centric business improvements.

It’s time to disrupt the status quo and pinpoint why experiences succeed or fail.

During the session, speakers explore a new experience measurement methodology that distills employee and customer feedback into actionable insights that can help you improve loyalty.

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During this session, you’ll hear from

Peter Graf - Experience Economy Fireside Chat

Peter Graf

Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, Genesys

Charlene Li - Experience Economy Fireside Chat

Charlene Li

Digital Transformation and Disruptive Leadership Expert, Featured Speaker

James Xiao - Experience Economy Fireside Chat

James Xiao

Experience Innovation Director, Genesys

How status quo approaches fall short

  • 40% of organizations can’t explain why their experience metrics rise or fall 3
  • 82% of organizations agree that their experience levels are low and that this negatively impacts their business delivery or success 2
  • 65% of executives say improving customer experience is a high priority for their organization 3
  • 31% of consumers say they have stopped using a company after a negative customer service interaction 1

1 “The State of Customer Experience,” Genesys, 2023
2 “2023 Global Customer Experience Report,” NTT
3 “Beyond NPS: CX Measurement Reimagined,” Harvard Business Review and Genesys, 2022