Customer and employee experiences are in full bloom globally following the arrival of new Genesys Cloud™ features in April, including a new core region and more employee engagement capabilities.

Serve and Protect Customers Globally with Expanded Availability

A new core region was added in Asia-Pacific (Mumbai) to better serve large multinational operations and businesses located in India that must keep interactions and data within the country. This is especially crucial for organizations in highly regulated industries with stringent compliance and security standards that often have data sovereignty requirements, such as healthcare, financial services and government.

The addition of the Mumbai region is a continuation of our global expansion efforts, with three core regions (Canada, London and Seoul) and one satellite region (São Paulo) added in 2020. This brings the total number of core regions to 10.

Regions pic

Personalize Experiences with More Workforce Enhancements

As a key area of innovation — and as a recognized Visionary — Genesys continues to expand our workforce engagement management (WEM) capabilities to create a better experience for your employees.

Quality Assurance and Compliance Improvements

You can now find quality management evaluations and surveys in the right panel of the interactions details view. This allows quality evaluators and supervisors to view an evaluation or survey alongside other important information — customer journey, recording, transcript and conversation details — without having to switch tabs. In addition to this usability enhancement, sentiment analysis tagging and scoring is now available in Spanish.

New Development and Feedback Modules

Learning managers can now deliver information and training directly to an agent’s inbox. Modules are assigned using business rules. Five pre-loaded Genesys Beyond training courses are included and can be offered to new agents when they first log into Genesys Cloud. This makes the onboarding and training process even more effortless.

Coaching Added to WEM Upgrade Subscriptions

Coaching is now included when you add WEM capabilities to your Genesys Cloud subscription. This makes it even easier to take advantage of all that Genesys Cloud has to offer as you create more empathetic experiences for both employees and customers.

Enhance Business Continuity with Multiple Single Sign-On Certificates

Administrators can store an additional certificate for their single sign-on (SSO) provider for business continuity purposes. If one certificate becomes invalid or expires, the backup certificate preserves the integration.

Improve the Developer Experience

The Developer Center was refreshed to provide your development team with a better experience when building differentiation on the Genesys Cloud platform. Developers can now select a preferred color theme and provide detailed feedback about site content. Less-visible foundational changes also have been made to set the stage for future improvements.

For a full list of new features, visit the Release Notes in the Genesys Cloud Resource Center. If you have a question about any features, ask the online Genesys Cloud community or reach out to your Genesys representative.