Within the contact center, it takes a unique blend of attributes to succeed — a combination of talent and technology that provide the best results for your customers and your business.

This is where Genesys thrives: When you combine your team’s skills with data from our cloud, the result is a personalized customer experience. Each touchpoint between your contact center and your customers is a new opportunity for your business to power deeply connected, meaningful interactions that produce happier customers and satisfied employees.

We call this powerful combination Super Human Service. Genesys and our customers join forces in a unique way to deliver a customer experience that’s exceptional (Super), empathetic (Human) and makes customers happy (Service). Your People + Our Cloud = Super Human Service.

To become a customer-centric organization that provides personalized customer experiences, you need your team and the right cloud technology in place.

Cloud Technology Empowers Personalized Experiences

According to a recent IDC Infobrief, organizations are cultivating customer experiences by transforming the company culture so that it’s customer-centric, embraces artificial intelligence (AI), and improves customer experience measurements and data.

At a high level, this comes down to three technology components: data, AI and digital channels. ​


Cloud technology uses data to empower you to serve customers in more meaningful ways. With the combined power of engagement data from Genesys and data from cloud information model (CIM-compliant) sources, you’ll gain a total perspective of your customers. After all, to show true empathy — to make customers feel remembered, heard and understood — you need to know something about them. The same is true for your agents; to foster employee engagement, you need to know about them and their work.

According to McKinsey and Company, companies that leverage data reduce average handle time by up to 40%, increase self-service containment rates by 5% to 20%, cut employee costs by up to $5 million, and boost the conversion rate on service-to-sales calls by nearly 50% — all while improving customer satisfaction and employee engagement.

With an all-in-one cloud contact center solution, data isn’t siloed in disparate systems and legacy platforms. And that makes it easier to use information and better serve customers.


AI lets you personalize experiences at scale by making sense of massive amounts of data. With it, you can anticipate and predict your customers’ needs. AI applications span across the entire customer journey. This allows you to understand conversations across engagement channels and empower your agents with efficient workflows.

According to Forrester, enterprises that blend AI with humans saw a 61% improvement in customer satisfaction, 68% rise in operational efficiency and a 66% boost in agent productivity.

AI interprets, predicts and recommends the next-best option based on your customer’s preferences and your business goals. It works in the background to automate decisions about when to reach out, when to move interactions to a bot and when to route them to an agent.

And AI is critical in creating opportunities for truly personalized engagements. It removes time-consuming transactional tasks that pull reps’ attention away from important interactions that require a human connection — and allow them to deliver empathy.

Digital Engagement Tools

Customers use a variety of digital channels — self-service, assisted-service or proactive-service options — to interact with your customer service team. IDC predicts that, by 2021, 65% of organizations will have shifted to digital-first through automated operations and contactless experiences as physical interactions become a service of the past.

Customers can engage with your business, how and when they want, through their preferred methods of communication — email, chat, phone, messaging, chatbots, voicebots and social media. When customers engage using digital, it provides valuable insights that create a customer profile for opportunities to personalize their experiences.

Monitoring customer behaviors on digital channels lets your agents provide a human touch at the right time — when the customer needs it. And agents can view customer preferences with digital engagement across the customer journey to create more personalized experiences.
You have the data to make your customers feel remembered and heard. You have the AI-powered insights to make their intent and needs understood. Now, it’s time to create personalized experiences for customers through digital engagement tools.

Genesys provides a suite of capabilities that complements and amplifies your agents’ ability to deliver empathy, naturally. Our cloud technology lets them give your customers experiences that go above and beyond expectations so they can interact on any digital channel, pulling from a wealth of data and engaging at a human level.

Your people, combined with our cloud, delivers Super Human Service. And the result is a smile.