Imagine if your customers could have the same experience on your website as they do your physical store. While there are several factors you can’t control when a customer is in your store, you can control the level of service you offer them. The same is true in the digital space.

More than ever, customers expect better experiences anytime, anywhere, and on their device of choice. Successful companies realize the importance of providing personalized and efficient customer experiences in the digital space by empowering their agents with the tools needed to meet those demands.

When your customers are a click away from completing their online transaction – whether it’s submitting a loan request or purchasing an item in their shopping cart – your agents can provide high-touch assistance with a real-time co-browsing session. This ensures customers are guided through the most complex transactions, boosting the customer experience and improving conversion rates.

The enhanced Genesys Co-Browse solution allows agents to see, in real time, what customers see as they navigate your website. Short for “collaborative browsing,” co-browsing allows agents to better understand customers’ needs to provide effective solutions and resolve problems faster. According to Genesys benchmark data*, this could improve FCR rates by up to 20%. It also improves Net Promoter Score and customer satisfaction scores. All of which leads to a better overall customer experience.

Understanding Co-Browse and Screen Sharing

Screen sharing allows customers to share their entire desktop so agents can see everything happening on the customer’s screen. Co-browsing is limited to a specific browser. For example, if the customer decides to browse a different private website, the agent won’t see the new browsing session. This ensures a high level of user privacy.

Co browse for web messaging overview

In the post-pandemic world, many people are familiar with the screen-sharing solution of a video call. However, they might not be familiar with the ability for two parties to have access and control on the same web page, in real time, from different locations. In an online shopping scenario, this option preserves a customer’s privacy by only sharing what is meaningful to resolve and convert. Co-browse uses data masking to ensure the privacy of each session and protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Getting Started with Genesys Co-Browse

Supported in both the native Genesys Cloud™ Agent UI and Embedded Framework, and available in the web and mobile web versions of Genesys Web Messenger, our co-browse solution is easy to deploy. You can even enable it yourself through your Messenger deployment in the main Genesys Cloud administrative console in just a few clicks.

The solution runs through browsers, so there’s no need to install or download software for either the agent or the customer. You can streamline customer support in a few clicks. You can also access interaction reporting and analytics views to see how the tool is performing and identify where to make improvements. And you can see which web messaging sessions included a co-browse session and how long they lasted.

Co browse enablement

The Genesys Co-Browse solution follows security and compliance standards to support and secure any type of conversation. Our data masking enhances the privacy of any co-browse session, restricting agents from viewing certain elements and fields. That guarantees that any sensitive information, such as SSN, account balances, credit card numbers and more remain limited only to the customer’s view. Customers can reclaim control or end the session at any time.

Genesys Co-Browse helps remove friction points for your customers on your website. And it allows your agents to improve the customer journey by making interactions on your website feel as if they’re happening in person. To learn how Genesys Co-Browse can transform your digital experience, read this Resource Center article.


*This benchmark data is made up of learnings from past business cases Genesys has built for customers, with the ranges of benefits representing a median average of impact they have perceived as potential optimization for their operations and maturity at the time. Individual results may vary.